
A Video related to the book

I am going to write about a video related to the book "EATING ANIMALS" this time.

The title of this video is "Where dose food come from?"
This video is about where food comes from.  As you can see, it is for kids but it is very easy for everyone to enjoy watching and understand.

The reason why I chose this video is that the content of a part of the book that I an reading now is very related to this video.  

5 件のコメント:

  1. It's very simple and as you mentioned it was very easy to understand.
    I really think these videos are useful!

  2. Yes it is as you said, very easy and simple. Simple is the best!

  3. This video is very funny and easy to understand!!

  4. Since there are many cute pictures, it is easy to understand. Moreover, written explaination also makes easy to understand. We can learn some connections between animals and foods.

  5. The video is easy to understand. I also like the BGM.
