
Restaurant Review2

Hey, I am going to write about restaurant, "Urth cafe", review2 from a certain perspective!!!!!

1. Greeting (4/5)
There was a staff who was very friendly and seemed to welcome both of us.

2. Speed (5/5)
Our food & drink arrived much faster than we had expected and I think it was within 15 minutes.

3. Service (2/5)
They were friendly and kind but I did not find a hospitality that Japanese care.

4. Atmosphere (5/5)
It felt that we were in the different world .

5. Taste (5/5)
Food and drink were excellent!!!!!

6. Size (4/5)
I think it was pretty big for Japanese but it was still good.

7. Price (2/5)
It was not cheap for a university student and this cafe is not the one that we can go every day.

8. Variety (5/5)
There were many kinds of sandwiches, salads, drinks, and dessert!

9. Cleanliness (4/5)
The bathroom was clean.

10. Whole (4/5)
I loved this cafe and I would love to recommend everyone!:)


Restaurant Review Video

Below is restaurant review video of "Urth Caffee" by Haine and me.
Please check it out:)))

Have a goody everyone☀️

Restaurant review!


The restaurant that I'm going to review is "Urth Caffee" which is from CA, the United States and is located in Omotesando and Daikanyama, Tokyo.

The reason why I chose this restaurant is that it's been 3 yeas since last time I went so I wanted to go there again.  Also, I started part time job at a coffee shop and I wanted to try this restaurant's coffee because this restaurant is very famous for their organic coffee.

I went to Daikanyama one at brunch time with my pal.
There was few punter when I came in  because of the time.

I really loved the wallpaper that gorilla and other animals are printed and I thought it very interesting to have a meal seeing that wallpaper.  Great experience!!!!

                                            (↑the wallpaper)

I had "Avocado Egg Sandwich (¥1690)" with green salad for like tapas which was superb:)))

Also, I had a cup of Cappuccino (¥580) with cute smiley face after a meal.

To be honest, it was not an affordable price but I strongly think that it worth it💓

I totally recommend this restaurant:)!!!!!!

⭐️Shop Information⭐️
8-9, Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Open 10:00~ Close 22:00 (LO 21:00)
HP: http://www.urthcaffe-japan.com


A Video related to the book

I am going to write about a video related to the book "EATING ANIMALS" this time.

The title of this video is "Where dose food come from?"
This video is about where food comes from.  As you can see, it is for kids but it is very easy for everyone to enjoy watching and understand.

The reason why I chose this video is that the content of a part of the book that I an reading now is very related to this video.  


An oasis for food-lovers in Tokyo♡

Hi, hope you that everyone is having a wonderful day and Autumn has come to make itself felt over here in Japan.  Autumn is my favorite season:)

I would like to introduce my favorite place that I think an oasis for food-lovers in Tokyo♡
It is "COMMUNE 246" which is located in Minami-Aoyama, Tokyo and takes few minutes from Aoyama Gakuin University that I go to.

It is, in short, a community space that there is a wide variety of "food-cart" and "Cafe" and people can enjoy many kinds of food that they provide.  There are many kinds of food-carts that provide  Hawaiian food, Vegan food, original drink, rare beer from all over the world and so on.

Few weeks ago, I went there to have lunch with my friend and I and my friend decided to get food from CORI. VEGAN FOODSTAND.

The food that I and my friend ate is..........


Actually it was the first time for me to eat Vegan-food but it was really good and I really loved it.
I learned that stomach does not feel heavy and it is really tasty although there were fried soy-meat on a plate and it was not real meat.  Also, it is very healthy.

It was my first visiting "COMMUNE 246" and I found that it was an oasis for food-lovers in Tokyo because people can enjoy a wide variety of good food in a good quality and drinks in the most fashionable and cool place in Japan, Aoyama.

I really recommend everyone to go there and enjoy food:))!

Thank you so much for reading and hope you enjoyed reading!

Have a wonderful day, everyone:)


Book review!

Hi, guys!  Thank you so much for visiting my blog:)

I have been fascinated by food and food is one of topics that I have always been very interested in since I was very little.  The reasons I have been interested in food this much are the environment I was raised and the experience I have gained until now, so let me tell you about myself and my thinking way about food simply:)

First, my dad has worked at one of Japanese companies related to food and also food has been always one of the most important issues in my family.  My family traditionally has been thinking that eating good food and enjoying it with everybody are keys making a life better and brighter.  Those things certainly have a great impact on my thinking way about food.

Second, I have been to many countries such as the United States, England, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea and I used to live two of these countries, Indonesia and the United State (AL).  As I went to these countries, I came to realize something obvious that food is always totally different from each countries and food is always the symbol of that culture.  In other words, food is one thing that we can learn about that culture and it is very related to history.

Anyway, let me introduce about a book that I am reading now next!!!!

Actually I could not have found a good one, but I finally found one that I am really interested in!!!!
The book is "EATING ANIMALS" written by Jonatan Safran Foer.

In short, this book is about what the author, Jonatan Safran Foer, found about food.
He spent much of his youth like ordinary American oscillating between carnivore and vegetarian.  However, as he got older and became a father, he started wondering how food we eat daily such as chicken and fish is produced and resources of them.  This book is written about what he found in terms of that topic as I already mentioned above.

I could not ask a better opportunity to learn deeply about food that is my most interest topic and hope that I can enjoy learning it:)!!!!!

See you again soon!!!!